52 questions to prompt a conversation with friends, family or even strangers. Designed to safely explore our curiosity of others and to adapt to the level of engagement players feel comfortable with.
These cards can also be custom made for your company with your own branding and questions relevant to your environment.
Promoting Diversity Empathy Accessibility Design Kindness Belonging
An agency for change
Find out more about our voluntary association – A StrangerKind – that hosts events that promotes curiosity and understanding by celebrating diversity and inclusion.

Lets collaborate and visualise something different...
Let’s discuss (in theory)
concept: Often defined as prejudice or unsupported judgments in favour of or against one thing, person, or group as compared to another, in a way that is usually considered unfair that exists in the subconscious.
Understanding how implicit bias are formed from stereotypes, preconceived ideas, past experiences or gut instinct.
noun: a statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalised group such as a racial or ethnic minority.
Identifying how the (often subtle) use of micro-aggressions can be a powerful form of discrimination and how to identify and address it.
concept: language that avoids expressions that are considered to express or imply ideas that are sexist, racist, or otherwise biased, prejudiced, or insulting to any particular group of people and sometimes animals as well.
A look into how to communicate while keeping under-represented and stigmatised groups in mind.
noun: the quality of being easily reached, entered, or used by anyone
Discussions around the complex concept of what “disability” really means, the various considerations that can be considered to create truly inclusive spaces.
…without calling it that
Or ask about things like The Access Challenge, Enneagram coaching or a conversation about “Can I use this bathroom?”